I know I've not been posting much lately. I promise you that I've been REALLY super, DUPER busy with musical projects and jobs. In fact, GOOD NEWS: Hear it Local has asked me to blog regularly for them, which is super exciting. So, stay tuned.
One of the fun projects I've been part of is a podcast with my friend Juan Raigosa who used to be a KUSF (R.I.P.) DJ. (Juan had me on his show semi-regularly at the end of 2010 to hang out before the station got derailed).
Juan sets up a mini recording studio in his bedroom and I wheel in some of the amazing people of our music community to play music (live and recorded), chat and just tell us about what's happening.
We're thinking of changing the name, but for now it's called Just Push Play.
Click to listen on our website
So far we've had on KC Turner, Jonathan Mann, Jessie Woletz, Dina Maccabee and Lyz Luke. It's been a lot of fun. Can't wait to record more!
Some photos of us being silly and playing some live music.
Juan, Jessie Woletz and me.
Dina Maccabee
Lyz Luke, bear, me, Juan and Pavlov the Puggle
KC Turner plays us some tunes